How to block IMEI number of stolen or lost phones?

block IMEI number of stolen or lost phones, here you can find answers to all the queries related to block IMEI number of stolen or lost phones.

If your smartphone or mobile phone is stolen or lost, then you can block it so that no other person will be able to use it. For this, a portal has been given by the government. The Central Equipment Identity Register or CEIR will help you block the phone if it is lost or stolen. Today we are going to tell you about block IMEI number of stolen or lost phones in this article. If you liked this article, then you must comment about it.

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This facility is currently available in Mumbai and Delhi. It will soon be made available in other states of the country. For this, a portal has been created. On this, you will need the International Mobile Equipment Identity or IMEI number of your phone number.

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How can you get your number blocked through CEIR in case the phone is stolen or lost? Telling about it here.

Let us tell you that to block the IMEI number. First, you have to file a complaint of lost or stolen phone with the police. After this, you have to upload a copy of the FIR on the website.

Before proceeding further, you will need some documents like the police report, identity proof and, if possible mobile purchase receipt. After this, you have to go to the website of CEIR.

Here users have to choose the IMEI number or the option to block the stolen phone. After this, you have to tell about the details to be asked.

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Here you will also have to enter the IMEI number of the mobile that you want to block. After that, submit the form. After verifying the form, the phone gets blocked.

If your phone is found later, then you can also get it unblocked by visiting this site. For this, you will also have to select the option to unblock. After this, you have to fill in some details here. After this, your phone will be unblocked. This may take some time. Users can also view the submitted status on this site.

In this article, we have told you about block IMEI number of stolen or lost phones If you liked this article, you can also like our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you have any problem related to this article, then you can tell us by commenting.