Hello friends we know very well that at present time billion of users have to use WhatsApp messenger in his Smartphone. With the help of WhatsApp messenger you will be able to easily and quickly send or receive any text, audio or video messages to each other. We know that Knowledge always help us and there are a lot of tips and tricks available which you can easily use in your Smartphone during running the WhatsApp messenger which helps you very much but due to the absence of knowledge most the person don’t use these tips and tricks. This article will helps you how to run two numbers on single Smartphone with the help of WhatsApp messenger and this cane be done with the help of OGWhatsApp.
Lot of persons have dual SIM Smartphone but they can run WhatsApp on only single number but after reading this article you will be able to easily run WhatsApp on your both number in your Smartphone with the help of OGWhatsApp. First you must know what is the OGWhatsApp and how this app able to run WhatsApp on your both numbers.
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What is the OGWhatsApp:
OGWhatsApp is a modded version of the WhatsApp which is used on Android Smartphone and this third party app allows you to run two numbers on the WhatsApp account in your Smartphone and there is no need to root your Smartphone. With the help of official version of WhatsApp you will be able to run WhatsApp on single number but if you want to run WhatsApp on dual numbers then have to use OGWhatsApp on your Smartphone. OGWhatsApp is free to use and easy to download software on your Smartphone after installing this app on your Smartphone you will be able to do lot of things which is given below: You can run WhatsApp on dual numbers, change the icon of your app, easily take back of your data and restore it during the lost of your data, direct play online video without downloading and many more.
After reading this article you will be able to easily run WhatsApp on two numbers on single device with the help of OGWhatsApp, but before start you must take backup of you all WhatsApp data, otherwise you will be lost your all WhatsApp chat history and carefully reading this article and step by step follow all instruction which is given below:
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Steps to run WhatsApp on Dual number on Android phone:
Steps 1: First you have to take complete backup of your all important data from you Smartphone.
Step 2: Download the OG WhatsApp on your android Smartphone by clicking on this link and complete the downloading and clear all chache memeroy from existing WhatsApp number after open the WhatsApp > choose the “Settings” option > choose the “Application Manager” option > tap on the “WhatsApp” and choose “Clear data” option.
Step 3: After successfully finish the step 2 process go to this given path device/sdcard/WhatsApp and rename “WhatsApp” to the “OGWhatsApp” and renaming your path is looks like device/sdcard/OGWhatsApp Β and uninstall the official WhatsApp from the Application Manager on your Smartphone.
Step 4: Now, start installation process of OGWhatsApp on your Smartphone. During the installation process it will ask you about the mobile number you just type your old mobile number which you used on official WhatsApp messenger and click OK button. Now, your old number is ready to start chat on OGWhatsApp.
Step 5: Now, to start second number download the latest and official version of WhatsApp by clicking on this link. When downloading process is finished properly, start installation process on your Smartphone to active second number on WhatsApp.
Step 6: During the installation process it will ask you the mobile number, insert your new mobile number in the box and then click OK button. Now, you will see another number is also running on your Smartphone and you will be able to run both numbers on WhatsApp on any single Smartphone.
I hope you like this article and able to run WhatsApp on dual numbers on your Smartphone. Give your important suggestions in the comment box regarding this article and also share it with others. Thanks to all.
Ammu Ms
That’s good app really accepted the app