OnePlus has launched OnePlus 7 along with OnePlus 7 Pro in India. This smartphone is launched with two storage and two color options. OnePlus 7 is launched with 6GB + 128GB and 8GB + 128GB storage option. The 6GB + 128GB variant comes with a mirror gray color option, which costs 32,999. Whereas, the 8GB + 128GB variant comes with a mirror gray red color option. Its price is 37,999 rupees. Today we are going to tell you in this article. You should definitely tell by commenting about how you liked this article.
You can purchase OnePlus 7 exclusively from ecommerce website Amazon. Compared to the previous series, OnePlus 7 has many new features.
Design and display
Speaking of OnePlus 7 display, it has a 6.41-inch optical AMOLED display, which is WaterDrop Notch, which is 2340X1080 pixels and its Aspect ratio is 19.5: 9. There is a full view display which means that you will get very thin bezel in the display. In addition, you get an in-display fingerprint sensor like OnePlus 6T. Talking about the design of the phone, it comes with a full glass body curve display panel. The phone has been launched in two color options Mirror Gray Red and Mirror Gray.
Talk about OnePlus 7 performance, it comes with two RAM options and an internal storage. This smartphone comes with 6GB / 8GB RAM option. On the other hand, talk about inbuilt storage, it comes with 128GB storage option. Talking about the processor, Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 chipset processor has been given in it. This processor supports 5G network modem. To give power to the phone, it has a strong battery of 3700mAh. The phone has 5 Volt and 6 Ampere Wrap Charger 30 support. It also supports dash charging.
Talking about the camera features of the phone, a triple rear camera setup has been setup in its back, with a primary rear camera of 48 megapixels. In the primary rear camera, the OIS sensor of f / 1.6 aperture is given. It has a 5 megapixel telephoto lens. In the secondary rear camera, the OIS sensor is given with f / 2.2 aperture. Talk about the phone’s selfie camera, it has a 16 megapixel selfie camera with 3X optical zoom.
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Talk about the offers received on OnePlus 7, Reliance Geo Users are being given the benefit of Rs 9300 under the ‘Speed ββoffer beyond Geo-OnePlus 7 Series’. In this, users will get an instant cashback of Rs 5,400 in prepaid recharge before Rs. 299. Recharge can be done through, Reliance Digital Stores, My Geo Stores, Geo Retailers or My Geo App. Telecom operators have confirmed that users who leverage the Jio Oneplus offer will get cashback as 36 vouchers. Each coupon will be Rs 150 and these vouchers will be credited to My Life app.
In this article, we have told you about OnePlus 7. If you liked this article, you can also like our Facebook page and also subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you have any problems related to this article, you can tell us by commenting.