Trick: How to rapidly retrieve multiple file names

By using this tip and trick in windows os you will be able to rapidly retrieve multiple file names of more than one selected files.

Hi friends, at present time lot of tips and tricks available on the internet and with the help of these tips and tricks you will be able to do your daily routine jobs in quick way. These tips and tricks not only save your lot of time but also increase your knowledge and you will increase your goodwill between your family members, colleague or friends. But before demonstrate your knowledge first you have proper knowledge to how to complete your job using any tip and trick. There are different quick ways to alter or change multiple filenames at once in windows operating system.

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In this article let we discuss about the trick from which you will be able to change or rename more than one (multiple) files at once in windows operating system. So, let’s have an example during the interview session if any one put a question for you that you have a folder on your desktop area in which there is lot of files. Do you have any way or command from which you will be able to quickly rename all selected files? Most of the person doesn’t know how to do this, because they will be able to change or rename only single file name. So, in this article i guide you how could you quickly change the name of more than one select files in any folder.


Follow steps to rapidly retrieve multiple file names:

Step 1: First you have to open that particular folder in which you have more than files which you want to rename in quick way.

Step 2: You have to select all files which name you want to change in quick way. There are different ways from which you can easily select more than one files in a particular folder, theses way are given below:

  • Select all files by pressing Ctrl+A or,
  • Choose “Select All” option by clicking on the Organize button or,
  • By dragging the mouse button or,
  • By selecting first file and then press Shift +Down Arrow key or,
  • Click on the first file name then hold on “Shift” key and click on the last file name rest of files are automatically selected.

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Step 3: Take mouse pointer on first filename and press right mouse button and choose “Rename” option or you can also press F2 Function key.

Step 4: Type the new name to rename the first filename e.g. “file” then hit enter or return key. When you press enter or return key you will see all selected files are renamed by the name of “file1, file2, file3,……………”

Note: If you have more than one format multiple file and when you type new name e.g. “file” after selecting first filename then press enter or return key all format files will be renamed with file1, file 2, file 3,…….. and other format files are also will be renamed with same name.

Must Read: Trick for Nameless File or Folder in Windows

If you have sub folder along with files then sub folder also renamed during this process.

I hope you like this rapidly retrieve multiple file names article how to quickly rename more than one selected files in windows operating system. Give your important suggestions in the comment box and also share your knowledge with others. Thanks to all.

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