Twitter India has launched a new Fleets feature for Indian users. Through this feature, users will be able to interact with their followers in a new way. This feature has already been launched for users in Brazil and Italy. India has become the third country to use this new style of communication on Twitter. Like other social media platforms, photos or other messages posted via Flat will only be available for 24 hours. After 24 hours, they will automatically disappear from the profile. The special feature of the Fleets feature is that no one can retweet, like and comment on the information shared by it. Today we are going to tell you about the Twitter launches fleets feature in India in this article. If you liked this article, then you must comment about it.
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The Twitter Flats feature is currently rolled out as testing. It is currently rolled out for Android and iOS users only. Another special feature of the Fleets feature is that if someone follows you, your fleet will always be at the top of your followers’ timeline. Due to which your followers will not be able to remember your important information. By clicking on the bottom of the post made through the Fleet, you will be able to find out which of your followers or non-followers have seen your Fleet.
How to use fleets feature
1. To use the Twitter User Flats feature, first tap on the “you +” (Your Fleet) to the left of your user profile.
2. After that, users can add any photo, video or GIF image to their fleet.
3. If you want to see another user’s flat, tap on that user’s Fleet.
4. You will then see the latest fleet posted by that user.
5. If you want to see the old fleets of that user, you can swipe left or right.
Through the Twitter Fleet, you can connect directly with your followers. For this, the direct message button will remain open, on which you can give your responses by tapping or clicking.
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Mo Al Adam, product manager of the Twitter group that launched the service, said, “Twitter is where people chat and chat. We want people to interact in different ways with less and more control over Twitter. So We share our fleeting thoughts. ” Look for new ways. Twitter has seen that people are. Now they are more comfortable sharing their thoughts. People who don’t usually tweet, also start communicating and both flat out and tweet. When people send a fleet, they often rapidly share many ideas. ”
Manish Maheshwari, MD of Twitter India stated, βIndia is important to Twitter as it is one of our largest and fastest growing audience markets globally. We are excited to bring the use of flats to India and make it one of the first three countries in the world to experience this new product. By testing in India, we will learn that adding a new way of communication changes the way Indians connect on Twitter. It will also be interesting to see if what is going on in people’s minds, allowing them to be shared lightly, can be of many use. ”
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In this article, we have told you about Twitter launches fleets feature in India If you liked this article, you can also like our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you have any problem related to this article, then you can tell us by commenting.