WhatsApp has rolled out its latest fingerprint lock feature for all Android versions. This WhatsApp Fingerprint Lock Feature related to safety purpose for android phone. With the help of this feature WhatsApp chat will be more secure than before. This feature has to be activated by going to the privacy settings. It will take you less than 1 minute to complete this process.
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WhatsApp on Thursday announced the launch of Fingerprint Lock for Android. With the move, the Facebook-owned company is finally bringing biometric authentication to the Android app, with iPhone users enjoying both Touch ID (fingerprint recognition) and Face ID (facial recognition) since February this year.
However, you have to keep in mind that the fingerprint lock feature of WhatsApp does not block calls. It only disguises messages. With the feature, Android users can now have the app lock automatically, and unlock only with their fingerprint. The move comes at a time WhatsApp is making headlines thanks to a recent hack, and its fallout including a lawsuit against spyware-maker NSO Group alleged to have made the hack possible.
WhatsApp Fingerprint Lock Feature
WhatsApp has rolled out its latest fingerprint lock feature for all Android versions. This is a safety-related feature, with the help WhatsApp chat will become more secure than before on your smartphone. This feature has to be activated by going to the privacy settings option.
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WhatsApp has introduced the feature of Fingerprint lock, a biometric authentication for all Android smartphone users. This new feature gives WhatsApp users a new security layer, so that no one can read their message without their consent. However, let us tell you that this feature was first rolled out on iOS with the support of Touch ID and Face ID.
Fingerprint lock for all users in WhatsApp, app won’t open without touching
WhatsApp is very popular worldwide including India. Today we are telling you the process of updating this feature, which is very simple. You can follow the the given steps to apply WhatsApp fingerprint lock feature through five steps.
How to Activate WhatsApp fingerprint unlock feature on Android smartphone
To activate this feature, first go to the settings of WhatsApp. Then follow these steps.
Step 1: You must first open WhatsApp and click on the three dots on the right corner.
Step 2: Go to Settings> Account> Privacy> Fingerprint lock.
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Step 3: Fingerprint lock here: After turning on the fingerprint lock, your fingerprint has to be verified. There will be three options for automatic lock: –
(a) The first is “immediately”
(b) The second is “after 1 minute”
(c) The third is “after 30 minutes”.
During this setting, once the user is asked to apply the fingerprint. This feature works on both fingerprint scanners and in-display fingerprints.
If the user wants, then you can also lock the message that appears in WhatsApp notification. That is, the message can be read only by opening WhatsApp. Only the number of messages will appear in the notification window.
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The special thing about fingerprint lock is that it will make your WhatsApp completely safe. That is, this app can be opened only with the help of finger. The pattern, number or any other lock does not work.
After that, this feature will be activated at your WhatsApp. It will take less than 1 minute to complete this process. WhatsApp’s fingerprint lock feature does not block calls. It only disguises messages. WhatsApp for iOS has an additional feature for now – users can also choose to use Face ID as their means of biometric authentication.