Xiaomi’s sub brand Poco launched its first smartphone Poco F1 in India last year. This smartphone was launched with Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 Chipset Processor. This smartphone was launched to challenge premium smartphones such as OnePlus 6. Now Xiaomi plan launch Poco F1 Lite.
Light version of this phone Poco F1 Lite has recently been listed on the certification website Geekbench. This smartphone can be launched in the budget range. Let us know that Xiaomi Poco F1 was launched in India at an initial price of Rs. 19,999. This smartphone was launched with four storage variants. Features such as liquid cooling, type-c, are given in the phone.
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It has been listed on Geekbench with Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 processor. The point to note is that F1 Lite is not like Poco F1 launched last year, because this handset was launched with the Snapdragon 845 processor. The Benchmark listing appears on F1 Lite Android 9.0 Pie. Recall that Poco F1 had received Android Pie updates last year and recently the handset got Widevine L1 support with MIUI beta update.
According to the Geekbench listing, talk about Xiaomi Poco F1 Lite features, it can be launched with mid-range processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 SOC. Whereas, Xiaomi Poco F1 has Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 chipset processor. However, this processor has also been given in several mid-range smartphones of Nokia. Talking about its other features, the phone can come with 4GB RAM and Android 9.0 pie operating system. Talking about the phone’s display, full HDPlus display can be given in it. This smartphone can be launched in the range of less than Rs 10,000, keeping users in the budget range in mind.
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There is currently no information available about other phone features. Simultaneously, Xiaomi Poco F2 can also be launched soon. Information about this smartphone was revealed a few months ago. The company also had teas through its official social media. These days, the Poco Days cell is also being hosted online at the online e-commerce website Flipkart, which also offers discounts on Poco F1. Buy Poco F1 here.