Telegram has been continuously updating its app for a long time to compete with WhatsApp. The demand for this app is increasing rapidly during the Corona period. If you also use Telegram for your office work or meeting then this is a good news for you. In fact, with the latest version of Telegram’s iOS, Android and desktop apps in the new update, users can convert their group voice chats into video conference calls. This feature has been specially updated to compete with the video calling service of Zoom and WhatsApp. Today we are going to tell you about the Telegram launched group video call service in this article. If you liked this article, then you must comment about it.
Telegram adds group video calling:

Can pin video feed
Users have the option to pin someone’s video feed to the screen so that they stay focused even when new users join the call. Along with this, users can share their screen if they want to give a presentation or want to show something.
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Share camera feed and screen simultaneously
According to a report by Engadget, users also have the option to share both their camera feed and screen simultaneously. With this release, video calls on Telegram are limited to the first 30 users joining voice chat, but Telegram said the number will increase “soon” as it adds voice chat to support live events and other new features. . is. (Voice Chat) expands.
Telegram has over 400 million monthly active users
Users can participate in group video calls on phones as well as tablets and computers. However, the company has also focused on security for group video calling. According to the information, the number of monthly active users of the company has reached 400 million in April 2020, which was 200 million in 2018.
Will become a powerful platform for group video calls
Earlier, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov made the announcement via a message posted on his official Telegram channel, where he wrote, “We will be adding a video dimension to our voice chats in May, making Telegram a platform for group video calls.” The stage will be made.” Will become a powerful tool.” Looking at this plan of the company, it can be said that Telegram will soon compete with Zoom.
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In this article, we have told you about Telegram launched group video call service If you liked this article, you can also like our Facebook page and subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you have any problem related to this article, then you can tell us by commenting.